Inspiration <3
Three years of everything, and nothing, of happiness and sorrow and then a life-time of missing those persons who, for better or worse, knew everything about you.
High school. Taste the word. What is it, really? For me it's the time when everything is possible because the world lies before your feet, but at the same time, the time when nothing is possible because it's so hard and nothing is the way it's supposed to be. It's the time when you don't understand grown-ups and the grown-ups definitely don't understand you. Moments you will never forget because they were that perfect, others because they were the worst moments of your life.
But high school is so much more than deepest depression and colorful euphoria. High school is the need of categorizing. High school is when you're either the swot, gay, good-looking, ugly, fat, the clown, the geek or one of the popular that everyone looks up to....
Nu ska niorna i engelska få något att bita i! Ska läsa upp ovanstående "tal". Det är längre, tog bara med början här. Sedan ska de få i uppgift att skriva/skapa sina egna personliga tal och framföra dem inför klassen. Ska bli superkul. Thanks for the inspiration, wherever it came from.
Other than that...kanske ställa mig på balkongen och skrika "Gomoooooooooooooooooooorron, Vaaaaasastan!? Sol och klarblå himmel i dag, finally! Lutar åt balkonghäng med de där två soldaterna, massvis med kaffe, och lite jobb!
Nu blir det kaffe och snack med Heidi innan hon drar hem till Stockholm igen.
Have a nice Sunday!
GI/LCHF går rätt bra just nu, men gillade bilden i alla fall..:)
High school. Taste the word. What is it, really? For me it's the time when everything is possible because the world lies before your feet, but at the same time, the time when nothing is possible because it's so hard and nothing is the way it's supposed to be. It's the time when you don't understand grown-ups and the grown-ups definitely don't understand you. Moments you will never forget because they were that perfect, others because they were the worst moments of your life.
But high school is so much more than deepest depression and colorful euphoria. High school is the need of categorizing. High school is when you're either the swot, gay, good-looking, ugly, fat, the clown, the geek or one of the popular that everyone looks up to....
Nu ska niorna i engelska få något att bita i! Ska läsa upp ovanstående "tal". Det är längre, tog bara med början här. Sedan ska de få i uppgift att skriva/skapa sina egna personliga tal och framföra dem inför klassen. Ska bli superkul. Thanks for the inspiration, wherever it came from.
Other than that...kanske ställa mig på balkongen och skrika "Gomoooooooooooooooooooorron, Vaaaaasastan!? Sol och klarblå himmel i dag, finally! Lutar åt balkonghäng med de där två soldaterna, massvis med kaffe, och lite jobb!
Nu blir det kaffe och snack med Heidi innan hon drar hem till Stockholm igen.
Have a nice Sunday!
GI/LCHF går rätt bra just nu, men gillade bilden i alla fall..:)